Allgone plunges you into the heart of a dystopian future, where the year is 2030, and Earth has been ravaged by a cataclysmic event, shrouding the world in chaos. The planet's magnetic field has experienced a catastrophic collapse, resulting in the loss of all modern resources, including electricity. In the wake of this calamity, governments have crumbled, and humanity teeters on the brink of survival, grappling with the remnants of a once-thriving world.
Built upon the formidable foundation of Kingdawn, Allgone inherits many of its mechanics while presenting an entirely different atmosphere. Development is streamlined, thanks to the expertise gained in Kingdawn's creation. The game's world, however, is a stark departure from Kingdawn's lush medieval landscapes. In under seven months, the dedicated team behind Allgone aspires to craft a visually mesmerizing environment, enriched by unique NFTs and intricate models that will deeply immerse players in this grim reality.
Players step into the desolate shoes of survivors in this harrowing new world. Their mission: gather vital resources, confront imminent threats, and navigate the treacherous landscape of post-apocalyptic trade. Trade, in a world devoid of established governments and functional economies, is a formidable challenge. In Allgone, scarcity reigns supreme. Be it sustenance, water, weapons, or precious materials for crafting, everything is a scarce commodity. Players must make agonizing decisions that can determine their very survival.
Amid the wreckage of collapsed nations, pockets of civilization endure in the form of city-states. These city-states serve as vital trade hubs, provide quests, and offer safe refuge. However, reaching them often involves perilous journeys through hostile territories. The absence of law and order has birthed hostile entities, ranging from mutated creatures to bands of humans who've resorted to banditry and even cannibalism. Combat in Allgone is ruthless and unforgiving, with death exacting a heavy toll on the player.
As in Kingdawn, trade takes center stage in Allgone. The taxation system on trades is designed to sustain the few remaining governing bodies. Players must reckon with tariffs on goods, navigate through road tolls, and even confront rogue tollkeepers who have established their own trading outposts.
Players possess the freedom to own, purchase, and trade Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), representing a wide array of items, from rare weapons to unique crafting recipes and even ownership rights to arable land. The in-game currency, removed from traditional monetary systems, operates as a barter token with a fluctuating value system.
Prepare to embark on this perilous journey as Allgone kicks off in the 2024. Face the challenges of a world on the brink of collapse, where resource scarcity and survival instincts reign supreme, in a gripping post-apocalyptic MMORPG unlike any other.
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